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Custodian Guard Squad

Custodian Guard Squad

185,00 zł

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Custodian Guard Squad

Zestaw zawiera 5modeli do samodzielnego sklejenia i pomalowania.

Bright and resplendent in gleaming gold, the Adeptus Custodes stride into war with the confidence their imposing stature gives them. Bullets and shrapnel ricochet from gilded breastplates - these warriors are armoured with the finest wargear, carrying the blessing of the Emperor himself. With their guardian spears they spin, parry and thrust, their immense strength cutting down the enemy as the built-in bolters deal death from afar. The Adeptus Custodes’ minds carry judgment - and their fists carry death.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 5 Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard, armed with either guardian spears or sentinel blades and storm shields. 1 model can be assembled as shield-captain, featuring a cloak and choice of 2 heads, and 1 can carry a Custodes Vexila.


Supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

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