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Marka: Ultra Pro
Ultra Pro strona do segregatora na 9 kart Platinum
One Piece Card Game - OP05 Awakening of the New Era Booster
Marka: Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Unlimited - Shadows of the Galaxy Booster
One Piece Card Game - OP05 Awakening of the New Era Booster Box
UWAGA: ten kodeks zawiera NIEAKTUALNE zasady.
Obudź w sobie heretyka! Ta książka to kompendium wiedzy dla dowódcy Chaosu, chcącego stawiać swoje pierwsze kroki za sterami olbrzymich machin bojowych przejętych z arsenałów Imperium. Znajdziesz tutaj tło fabularne, kompletny spis jednostek Chaos Knights oraz wszystkie zasady dodatkowe, dzięki którym wystawisz swoje siły na polu bitwy.
72 strony, twarda oprawa, pełen kolor. Książka w języku angielskim.
Zawartość ksiązki:
- Lore and art exploring the history and goals of the Chaos Knights, including the background, illustrated examples of colour schemes and heraldries for the following Chaos Knight Households – Lucaris, Herpetrax, Khymere, Vextrix, and Khomentis – as well as the infamous Dreadblades Sire of Doom, Decima, Incarnate Slaughter, The Gilded King, Hope’s Shroud, Aesyr, Empyrean Scythe, Hatred of Krastellan, and Litany of Destruction
- A showcase of beautifully painted miniatures
- 5 datasheets providing rules for using Chaos Knights in your games of Warhammer 40,000
- Questoris Traitoris Armaments – profiles for all weapons and wargear of the Chaos Knights
- Household Ambitions – Household-specific special rules for either Iconoclast or Infernal Chaos Knight Households
- 23 Stratagems
- Dreadblade Pacts and Damnations – a choice of 6 Pacts and 6 Damnations which provide additional special rules for your Chaos Knights
- Artefacts of Tyranny – 14 weapons and artefacts available only to Chaos Knights
- Warlord Traits for the Chaos Knights
- Points values for every unit, weapon and piece of wargear for use if you are playing a matched play game, or any game that uses a points limit
- 6 Tactical Objectives unique to the Chaos Knights
Codex: Chaos Knights