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Stormcast Eternals: Lord Relictor

Stormcast Eternals: Lord Relictor

132,00 zł

Kupując ten produkt możesz zebrać 13 punktów lojalnościowych . Twój koszyk będzie zawierał 13 punktów Punkty możesz wymienić na kod rabatowy 2,60 zł .


Wysyłka oraz odbiór osobisty od dnia premiery: 26.10.2024

W zestawie 1 plastikowy model do samodzielnego sklejenia i pomalowania.

Opis w języku angielskim ze strony producenta:

Lord-Relictors are the high priests of the God-King's armies, calling upon the fulminating energies of Azyr to annihilate the foe, and energise their flagging brethren. As battle rages, these grim champions ward the souls of their kin and use their strange powers to guide them safely back to the realm of Azyr.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Lord-Relictor, a macabre priest to lead your Stormcast Eternals into battle. Not only do they safeguard the spiritual health of their brothers and sisters, they defend them in battle with a massive Relic Hammer, leading the charge into the heaviest fighting. You'll find two skull helm options in the kit, one with a transverse crest, and the other hooded.

This kit contains 13 plastic components, and a Citadel 40mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unassembled and unpainted

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